East St Louis Sr High School
Class of 1978
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Charlotte (Lawrence) Petty
Cheryl (Golliday) Borden Gwen (Atkins) Owens
Fannie, Regina and Lauren
1st Lady Sandra (Hudson) Rogers
Robin (Tunstall) Bowie
Rose and Bernard
Sherrie Branch, Gwen Hoosman-Jones, Rose and Trina (Mitchell) Denzemore
Todd, Mary and Rose
Treena Porter-Lewis and Rose
Vanessa, Carla Thomas-Douglass, Denise McAfee, Kim, Rose, Jackie Randolph-Jones and Fannie Davis
1st Lady Sandra (Hudson) Rogers
Leroy, Barbara, Todd, Rosalind, Pastor Jerome and Mary Powell
Kim Griffin-Hawkins, Tony Morgan, Rev. Dr. Jerome A. Rogers, Sr. and Debra Humphries-Morgan
Wynell Griffin and Regina Crisp
Todd Jefferson and Leroy Scott
Fannie, Pastor Jerome, Bernard and Denise McAfee
Cheryl, Jerome and Pam
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